Faith is confidence in what we hope
All human beings have faith. The question is, faith in what or in whom?
The punishment that brought us peace was on him
Peace. Human beings seek to live in peace. And we are willing to do anything to get it. But only in Christ do we find true peace.
Give thanks in all circumstances (to God)
With the instruction “give thanks,” the apostle Paul is teaching us that this is the greatest demonstration of trust in his care.
My grace is sufficient for you
When you believe that your limitations will lead you to failure, remember God’s words: “My grace is sufficient for you”.
Created in Christ Jesus to do good works
When we approach God we discover that our destiny is not a matter of chance, but that we have been created in Christ Jesus for good works.
To Him who is able to do
When you have to face challenges before which you feel helpless, remember that with you goes the One who is able to accomplish everything.
Equipped for every good work
If you want to be equipped for every good work, nothing this world can offer you is comparable to the Word of God.
All things work together for good
When you walk with God there are no coincidences or fatalities, but everything is in His plan, and then all things work together for good.
But the Lord has become my fortress
No matter how intense the storm. If we cling to Him, God will always be our refuge.
The best Christmas gift
As valuable as the things you can share are, Christ is the best Christmas gift, the only gift capable of bringing life.
The fruit of the Spirit
In a world governed by limiting norms, the fruit of the Spirit produced by the Gospel brings authentic freedom.
God is faithful
Throughout our lives we will face difficulties and adversities, but God is faithful and will always be at our side.