“I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” (Lucas 19:40)


Of the three essential tasks of a Christian, two occurred at Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

And one of them is the proclamation of the Gospel. A task in which every believer is called to participate.

However, sometimes we feel unworthy and think that we have little to contribute, that we are not very eloquent or that evangelization is the work of evangelists.

Perhaps you feel endowed with the same expressiveness as a stone. And you may even be right.

And God knows it. And, in spite of everything, Jesus continues to call us to share the Gospel “to every creature”.

Now, there are many ways to do this. Not everything is “preaching from a pulpit”.

In fact, standing by the fallen when others abandon them, or holding the hand of the afflicted can be the best evangelism.

So get ready to share the message of salvation and live the Gospel. For then, even if the eloquent remain silent, you will continue to show the power, the magnificence and the love of God with your life.


Cover image by Ghost Presenter  on Unsplash